Well i don't really know where to start with this one actually..... This one break that I took post my music studies in Chennai was a fantastic break. A complete rejuvenation and now its time to pull up my socks and get focussed on life. But this break taught me a lot. We went on a family vacation to London which was one of my best vacations so far. Not because London is an exciting city to be in or anything, but it was the people who we were with. We caught up with my cousins who are from my dad's side of the family, after ages. And catching up lead us to spending almost our complete holiday with them because they were that fun. We felt the LOVE . :) ..... then i went back to Abu-Dhabi to catch up with an old friend. Meeting this friend of mine led me to meeting a bunch of fantastic people. With whom I ended up spending most evenings with. These guys turned out to be more than just friends. They were people who you could talk about any sort of shit with. People who genuinely become a weird sort of support system. Even though we hung out for about a month. People who pay attention to detail. And thats when realization hits ! It's never about how long you have known the people to make them some of the closest people to you, its about the impact they have on you in the shortest amount of time.
So here is to the siblings in London and the gang Abu-Dhabi ... CHEERS
[Dedicated to Quintito, Kripsy Cream, Neh, Jeej, Pooski, Shazzy,Hot Chocolate,Tammy,Muscles,Fatts,Mr.Hotel and of course Geek .... love you guys]
well here's a Geek <3 to you to nushie !!